First of all, a thank you to all at Nortel who visited my booth.
I sold many pens and sets, and am delighted with the interest.
All the pens featured here are hand crafted from domestic and exotic
woods from Africa and South America.
Please scroll down to see examples of the full collection. Email me
if you'd like a higher resolution image.
Some new pens: A new Mont Blanc style, along with a matching pencil.
The rainbow wood was very popular at Nortel, the colors are very fun.
The Pen and Pencil are curly maple.
$40 for the Rainbow pen, $65 for the Maple Pen/Pencil set.
A Slimline Pen and Pencil set in Thuya, an exotic wood from Africa.
$75 for the set. Mont Blanc style and Waterman style are
also available in Thuya.
A fun picture, a spread of the variety of available pens.
Left to right
Curly Maple Mont Blanc style, $30
(Curly Maple is local from the Ottawa valley, and is very interesting figure)
Bubinga Mont Blanc style, $40
(Bubinga is a wonderful wood with spectacular grain)
Thuya Waterman Style $40
(Thuya has brilliant color and figure)
Cocobolo Mont Blanc style $40
(Cocobolo has delightful smell and texture. I find that when I
write with it, as the wood warms up, it gives off this scent of
chocolate or coffee, I can't quite decide)
Jatoba Waterman Style $40
(Jatoba's color is unique, and wonderful weight)
Rainbow Mont Blanc style $40
(for when you want something unusual)
A look at the Waterman style pens, all at $40 each:
Left to right: Bubinga, Curly Maple, Jatoba and Bubinga again.
The Waterman style pens are now my favourites,
they sit "just right" in the hand.
Another look at the Thuya waterman, the Cocobolo Mont Blanc,
and the Bubinga Mont Blanc. Look at the grain and texture
in these wonderful writing instruments.